Policy is the collective decisions council makes on a particular subject area over a period of time. Council sets policy when it makes a decision on any matter, and implementation of that policy is the role of the CAO.
Approach and Culvert Standards Policy
Bylaw Enforcement
Boat Lift Storage and Removal Policy
Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation
Council and Administrative Policy Development
Council Remuneration Policy
Disposal of Capital Assets
Dissemination of Information to the Public
Donations & Recognition Policy
Expenditures not included in Annual Budgets
Fire Ban Declaration
Human Resources Code of Conduct
Landowner Disputes Resolution
Notification of Council and Committee Meetings
Playground Equipment
Public Participation Policy Public Participation Plan
Restricted Surplus & Reserves
Road Inspection and Maintenance
Snow, Ice & Windrow Removal Policy
Tangible Capital Assets
Tax Recovery Fees
Tax Roll Address Change
Waste and Compost Bins
Respect in the Workplace Policy